Robotics Newsletter
Carefullly curated and delivered to you every week by the team at Immmersive Robotics
Assistive robots compete in Bristol Robohub - The Bristol Robotics Laboratory (BRL) will host the first European- Commission funded European Robotics League (ERL) tournament for service robots to be held in the UK. | | |
Les robots fêtent le cinéma ! Planeterobots - Cette semaine c’est la fête du cinéma. L’occasion pour nous de vous faire découvrir des petites pépites en rapport avec nos chers robots humanoïdes. Telle cette magnifique fable cinématographique,… | | |
Anki's Code Lab Brings Sophisticated Graphical Programming to Cozmo Robot Spectrum - With an easy-to-use interface based on MIT's Scratch, you can command Cozmo to do complex tasks without any programming experience | | |
Sony Lance un Kit Pédagogique en Codage Robotique Humanoides - La société multinationale japonaise a annoncé lancer son kit Koov via la plateforme de financement participatif Indiegogo. | | |
Concours Robomow : La gagnante nous présente son robot-tondeuse ! Bestofrobots - Vous rappelez-vous de notre concours de Printemps Robomow ? Nous vous avions proposé de nous envoyer une création humoristique sur le thème des robots-tondeuses dans l'espoir de gagner votre propre robot-tondeuse Robomow. Notre gagnante nous a fait le plaisir de nous donner des nouvelles de son robot et tout semble bien se passer ! | | |
Moisture-responsive 'robots' crawl with no external power source Sciencedaily - Using an off-the-shelf camera flash, researchers turned an ordinary sheet of graphene oxide into a material that bends when exposed to moisture. They then used this material to make a spider-like… | | |
Snake Robots Slither Into Our Hearts, Literally | CHRONICLING THE ROBOT INDUSTRY on WordPress.com Robotrabbi - The biblical narrative of the Garden of Eden describes how the snake became the most cursed of all beasts: “you shall walk on your belly, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life.R… | | |
A job plan for robots and humans | MIT Tech Review Technologyreview - Melonee Wise’s startup Fetch Robotics employs about 50 people and more than 125 robots. She intends to create many more jobs for both. | | |
Pint-pulling robot put through its paces in Yorkshire | BBC News BBC - Students from the University of Leeds have created a robot which they claim is capable of pulling the perfect pint. | | |
La chimie et l’électricité s’associent pour le déploiement de robots sans moteur Planeterobots - C’est ce que des chercheurs coréens viennent de mettre en œuvre, et rien que de citer les universités d’où viennent ces chercheurs, va vous donner une piste sur les potentialités de cette innovation :… | | |
Engineers design a robotic gripper for cleaning up space debris Sciencedaily - Researchers combined gecko-inspired adhesives and a custom robotic gripper to create a device for grabbing space debris. They tested their gripper in multiple zero gravity settings, including the… | | |
A robotic doctor is gearing up for action Robohub - A robotic doctor that can be controlled hundreds of kilometres away by a human counterpart is gearing up for action. Getting a check-up from a robot may sound like something from a sci-fi film, but scientists are closing in on this real-life scenario and have already tested a prototype. | | |
Salto-1P Is the Most Amazing Jumping Robot We've Ever Seen Spectrum - Salto-1P uses a small motor and a system of linkages and gears to jump. Because it spends so little time in contact with the ground, the robot needs to do most of its control in the air. To do that, it uses a rotating inertial tail and two little thrusters to stabilize and reorient itself in between jumps. | | |
This robot-made pizza in Silicon Valley should terrify Domino’s and Pizza Hut Businessinsider - Robots could kill off huge swaths of jobs in the future — but at least they come bearing pizza. | | |
Video Friday: Crashen Hoppers, Gimball Games, and a Fake Moon Landing Spectrum - Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos | | |
La Police de Dubaï Passe à la Voiture Autonome Humanoides - La police de Dubaï s’apprête à utiliser des robots de conduite autonome dès la fin de l’année 2017. | | |